Piano Trio in Eb Major

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Kenneth Piotrowski
Violin, Violoncello, Piano
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Follow the tempi and dynamic markings exactly how they are written and make certain not to add any ritardandos that are not indicated.

The rhythmic structure in the first movement for measures 4, 16, 37 and 124 are somewhat tricky; try thinking of those measures in counts of two rather in four.

The second movement consists of a Scherzo and Romanza. The pianist should pay close attention to the pedal markings. In the Scherzo, the performers should be mindful of the tempi markings, following the ritardando, just prior to the Romanza. Despite the double bar at measure 98, there should be no pause leading into measure 99 where the Romanza begins. However, at the end of the central Romanza (measure 144), there is break mark indicated; utilize that pause to advantage. At measure 242 the pianist maintains 'una corda,' and gradually drawing out the ritardando.

There are different bowings for identical measures within the third movement; this was deliberately done.

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