Thomas Metzger

thomasmetzger.jpgAn up and coming composer, Thomas Metzger began his musical journey at the age of 11 studying bassoon in his middle school band. As his education grew, so too did his interest in all facets of music. He began dabbling in composition in high school, and by his freshman year of college he was arranging and composing works for his colleagues with his first public performance in 2015.

Although never formally trained in composition, Metzger draws compositional influence mainly from such neoclassical composers as Jean Francaix, Alexandre Tansman, Victor Bruns, and Eugene Bozza. His style seeks to bridge the gap between the music of the early to mid 20th century and that of the modern day; neoclassical order, balance, and clarity are married with a twist of modern flair. His most recent composition, Humoresque for bassoon quartet, has been selected as the winner of the 2019 BCMCC.

Metzger holds a B.A. in Music and B.S. in Physics summa cum laude from Texas State University and has accepted a research assistantship at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for his M.S. in Architectural Sciences, Concentration in Architectural Acoustics beginning Fall 2019. During his time at Texas State, he studied bassoon with Professor Daris Hale, where he played in multiple TXST ensembles, including the Symphony Orchestra and Wind Symphony. He also studied music history with Dr. Kay Lipton and was awarded “Outstanding Undergraduate Research Paper in Music”. Metzger continues to balance work and responsibilities with his love of musical composition.

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