Marvin Carlton

Marvin J. Carlton is a composer of micro-opera, art song, choral music, symphonic music, wind ensemble music and chamber music. His comic opera "3Ds Dancehall" won the audience favorite award at The Atlanta Opera 24 hour Opera Project in 2013, while his comic opera "Pie, Pith, and Pallet" recieved the Judge's Award at the 2016 24 hour Opera Project. His music has been heard at performances by the Belleville Philharmonic Choral and Winds, the Heart of Illinois Woodwind Quintet, saint Martin Chamber Players, The Atlanta Opera, One Ounce Opera, the American Patriot Winds, and the International Double Reed society.

He has served as conductor of the Centralia Philharmonic Orchestra and is recently retired as instructor of general music and choral activities for the Hamilton County Unit 10 school district in McLeansboro, Illinois.

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