Angela Salvaggione

Teacher, composer, performer, Angela Salvaggione, earned her B.A. degree in Music Education from DePaul University, studying primary instruments piano and bassoon. She has concentrated on teaching piano, bassoon, clarinet and flute for more than 30 years in her private studio in Joliet, Illinois. In addition to music lessons, Salvaggione writes solo bassoon, clarinet, and piano pieces and etudes for her students, which they have often performed at studio recitals and contests. Her works are often strongly tonal and employ lyrical lines and extended harmonies. She also composes and arranges for woodwind quintets and other small ensembles for performers of various levels.

For many years, Salvaggione has played for church services in many denominations. She has written for a wide variety of liturgical uses. Nearly fourty of her piano arrangements are included in The Pilgrim Press' “Sing! Prayer and Praise” Songbook. One of her psalms was sung throughout the Diocese of Joliet, Illinois in 2010. Currently active in the Unitarian Universalist Church, Salvaggione's work has been sung at Meadville Lombard Theological School and at national UUMN conventions.

In addition to her busy schedule, Ms. Salvaggione is active in the musical community of the greater Chicago area having played for several theatre groups including The Chicago Red Line, Bolingbrook, Illinois, and Theatre on the Hill, Joliet Drama Guild, Curtain Call Theatre of New Lenox, and the Grand Haven Theatre Company of Romeoville, Illinois.

Salvaggione is a member of the Joliet Symphony Orchestra as principal bassoonist. She also composes, arranges and performs with the orchestra's woodwind quintet.

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