Mystique (download)

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MSRP: $10.00
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Gary Gazlay
Horn & Piano
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The composition Mystique was written for French horn, and was inspired by Ephesians 1:9 NLT - God has now revealed to us His mysterious will regarding Christ – which is to fulfill His own good plan.

Mystique is dedicated to Douglas Hill, one of my French horn professors at the University of South Florida.As a senior, I only had the privilege of studying with him for one year.   I am so very grateful to him for not only his encouragement and patience with me but for also challenging me.

This composition as well as the other songs I have composed, is the result of the positive influences of all the individuals who have impacted my life.

It is my hope that Mystique will provide horn students with a song that they will enjoy learning to play, and provide other music educators with a teaching tool that can be used in helping to motivate and encourage their students.

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