Goes the Christ (choral score)(download)

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Robert M. Shearn
SAB & Piano (opt. Flute and Oboe)
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Product Overview

Goes the Christ works well as a performance piece or as a musical exclamation point during worship where Gospel hospitality is a prominent theme. Welcoming the stranger has deep biblical roots where towering figures, the likes of Abraham and Sarah, entertained angels unawares when offering hospitality to wayfarers. It can also function well as an Advent piece where reflection on seasonal themes such as waiting, watchfulness, expectation, and hope can attune our minds and hearts to the hidden presence of Christ who often comes to us in surprising ways.

Performance-wise, simplicity is key. The overlapping harmonies, including the cascading “often, often, often,” can help reinforce the oft-forgotten mystery so powerfully conveyed in Jesus' parable of the final judgment (Mt. 25:31-46 ), namely, that to welcome the stranger, is to welcome him.

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