En Mis Sueños (download)

Wieslaw Rentowski

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Was: $28.00
Now: $19.60
Wielsaw Rentowski
Alto Saxophone & Piano
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Product Overview

En Mis Sueños (“In My Dreams”, 2017) for Alto Saxophone and Piano was composed for Exprezz Duo from Belgium (Cezariusz Gadzina and Anna Ciborowska). A one movement piece was premiered in the United States by Cezariusz Gadzina, saxophone and Anna Ciborowska, piano in October 2017 at the DeSoto Corner Theatre (as a part of the 4 Seasons Concert Series in DeSoto/Dallas, Texas). The musical language of En Mis Sueños is reminiscent of some 20th century idioms used by the composer in his other works, combined with a variety of music influences derived from the past. For example, a fughetta section at the end of the piece is related to the Baroque fugue, while several other sections were inspired by jazz. 
En Mis Sueños is for advanced, college level players.

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