Colored Stones

Jenni Brandon

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Jenni Brandon
Solo Bassoon
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Product Overview

By Jenni Brandon

For Solo Bassoon

Winner 2014 Bassoon Chamber Music Composition Competition (BCMCC).

Composer's Notes

Colored Stones tells the story of three stones: smoky quartz, lapis lazuli, and tiger's eye. Some cultures and spiritual practices believe these stones have powerful qualities such as the ability to heal, protect, and offer spiritual guidance. The bassoon explores these beautiful stones' unique qualities. It is an honor to be chosen as the winner of the 2014 Bassoon Chamber Music Composition Competition and to have this work premiered by Susan Nelson.

I. Smoky Quartz
An incredibly grounding stone, this smoky brown stone transforms and diffuses negative energy. The bassoon changes from a sense of grounding to playfulness, exploring this balance of energy. In the end, it always finds its way back to telling the story of the grounding quality of the stone.

II. Lapis Lazuli
Prized for its colors, this deep blue stone was used by kings and queens in paintings and ceremonial robes. Believed to help foster truthful expression and communication, it supports the immune system and brings peace. The bassoon explores the luxurious blue color, mixing in flashes of gold found in the stone.

III. Tiger's Eye
Tiger's eye, a golden brown to deep red stone, is very grounding and can bring luck and ward off evil. The bassoon is sometimes “protective and seeing,” moving quickly to remove the look of the “evil eye” and other times moving dreamily through an ancient landscape of protective energy.

Buy this as a package with the CD "Elements" - the 2012 & 2014 winning works of the BCMCC and save!

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