Anna Garman

Anna Garman, composer

Anna E. Garman was born June 18, 1990 in Rolla, Missouri. At the age of 9 she moved to Austin, Texas and began studying music as a bassoonist at the age of 11. Through the influence of private lessons teachers and band directors, she began dabbling in composition as she entered high school. With support from her director she had her first public performance in December of 2007.

Garman graduated from the University of North Texas summa cum laude with a B.M. in Composition in 2011, where she studied with Joelle Wallach and Joseph Klein among others. While at UNT she received a Presser scholar nomination, was a Concerto Competition finalist in composition, and was named Most Outstanding Undergraduate Composer. In addition to composition, she studied bassoon with Kathleen Reynolds, performed with various ensembles at UNT, worked for two years as a Supplemental Instruction Leader in music theory, and was a board member and officer of the UNT Composer's Forum. She graduated with a Master of Music in Composition from the University of Louisville in 2014 after receiving the two-year Bomhard Fellowship. During her time at U of L she studied with Steve Rouse and completed her thesis, Fearfully, Wonderfully. She also received a Dean's Citation Award, and Cracked Brick was recorded on AVIDduo's "Interactions" CD. Her trombone solo Dandelion was selected for the Collevoxus concert at the Fort Worth Museum of Modern Art, and Flayed received honorable mention from the 2014 BCMCC Competition.

Garman currently resides in Corinth, Texas with her husband Michael. In her spare time she enjoys playing tennis, disk golf, baseball, football, and Settlers of Catan.

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