Exaltations (download)

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Gary Gazlay
Handbells (2 octaves)
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Product Overview

The composition Exaltations was written for Handbell Choir, and is dedicated to the First United Methodist Church, Madison, Florida - Mickler Handbell Choir.

I will always be grateful to the wonderful, dedicated ladies who were members of the Mickler Handbell Choir. I was blessed to lead them for over twelve years, and all of them were always an encouragement to me, and are the reason why Exaltations was written. Exaltations was inspired by Psalm 100:4. “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.”

It is my hope that Exaltations will provide Handbell Choirs with a song that they will enjoy performing, as they praise God with the beautiful melodious sounds of handbells.

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